


Congratulations to a dental university in Shanxi for installing 41 sets teaching simulators, which ended perfectly.

The teaching simulators are arranged in four stars, four-handed operation, tidy and refreshing, and save space.

When the school starts, everything is ready.

By our high-quality services to gain customer recognition.

From the preliminary plan, teaching simulator layout design, wiring design, installation, debugging, and completion, a series of things are done by ourselves. What the client needs to do is let us enter into the university.

From the beginning to the end of the installation, there is no need for customers to worry about anything. With our perfect plan, we will help customers do every step, saving customers a lot of time and energy and unnecessary expenses.

Shanxi Dental University chose our simulator not only because of the good quality, but also because of our satisfaction with our service.


In the future, JPS will continue to work hard to continuously improve our quality and at the same time further improve our services, continue to benefit customers, so that teachers and students have a better teaching and learning atmosphere.

Considering what customers care about, do what customers need, and anxious about what customers urgency.

If you trust us, we will provide you amazing results!

Post time: Sep-07-2021